Hindi Reviewer Work From Home Job

Friends, if you are looking for a job and not finding it, then today we will tell you about a job where you can easily earn money sitting at home. This is a very big company named Hindi Reviewer Work From Home and if you get a job here then you will be able to make your career. The most important thing is that you can apply here as a fresher also.

WorkHindi Reviewer
Work Location India (Remote)
Engagement modelFreelance/Independent Contractor
Work LoadApprox. 25h per week (flexible schedule)
Start DateApril 5th
End DateMay 31th
Estimated End DateMay 31th
Salary6 USD per hour.
DataForce by TransPerfect is right now searching for Hindi Analysts.
This is an intriguing an open door to be a piece of an imaginative task to further develop long-structure text-to-discourse simulated intelligence innovation.

Task Summary

The Analysts will be expected to audit story fiction and verifiable works (1000 to 2500 words for each work), recently composed by our Substance Makers. Subsequent to perusing the first happy made for this venture, they should:

  • Run a spelling and syntax check to fix any undeniable mistakes.
  • Affirm all rules were kept.
  • Affirm that the substance matches the point picked.
  • The point, class, and kind of happy will be furnished by our group alongside nitty gritty rules.

Included classifications for fiction are secret, thrill ride, science fiction and dream, sentiment, and so on. Points for genuine are wellbeing, health, science, and innovation, among different choices.

Job Requirements

  • Colloquial familiarity with Hindi
  • Graduate or undergrad of writing, news coverage, or experimental writing or demonstrated insight in reporting, composing, altering, editing or content creation
  • Experience in exploratory writing (competitors with an exhibited composing leisure activity through independently publishing, contributing to a blog, book drafts, screenplays, and so forth. will be thought of)
  • Superb composing abilities in Hindi (punctuation, spelling)
  • Capability in English
  • Tender loving care

DataForce by TransPerfect is essential for the TransPerfect group of organizations, the world’s biggest supplier of language and innovation answers for worldwide business, with workplaces in excess of 100 urban areas around the world.

DataForce by TransPerfect offers great information for Human-Machine Connection to probably the most lofty innovation organizations on the planet. Our area of expertise centers around get-together, enhancing and handling information for AI in various artificial intelligence spaces.

Important Dates

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